The Management Board shall meet quarterly and be responsible for:
a) Determining organisational priorities, policy and strategy and the development of and delivery against an agreed Business Plan for the REO, subject to consultation with all member authorities as necessary;
b) Recommending the annual budget and subscription rates of the REO to the WME Membership Group;
c) Approving the shareholder reward value subject to audit verification;
d) Financial Management of the REO in accordance with its Scheme of Delegation and appointments to the staffing structure of the REO in accordance with the policies of the host employer;
e) Appointment of the Auditor and review and recommendation of the WME consolidated financial statements;
f) Nominating WME representatives on to national bodies, including the National
Association of Regional Employers (NARE) and CEEP UK;
g) The management and appraisal of the WME Director; and
h) The administration of the WMC Shell (through the REO) with regard to past pension and other liabilities in accordance with the WMC Shell Constitution.
The Management Board will be advised as necessary by the officer nominated by the Host Employer to act as Host Chief Executive.
Representation on WME for each subscribing council is now via the CEO (or their deputy) not an elected member and currently this is via Helen Riley for SCC.
Cllr Philip Atkins serves on the WME Management Board as a representative of the ‘Staffordshire and Stoke sub-region’ and is nominated to this post via the political groups.
Sharon Phillips
Head of Financial and Business Services, WME