Staffordshire Playing Fields Association works closely with local authorities, parish councils, and sports clubs to assist with planning applications and the development and protection of sports and play facilities and green spaces. We seek to preserve, protect and develop these areas countywide.
As a registered charity our Executive Committee is elected from district and county councils, sports clubs, parish councils and sports associations, together with voluntary individuals. This Committee meets four times a year to discuss progress on relevant projects or issues that have been raised, through the course of local discussion with representatives of the local community. Our organisation seeks to draw upon the collective skills of the Executive Committee members to engage dialogue with local authorities, M.P.’s and individuals.
Our charity provides its members with a low-cost loan scheme up to the value of £5000 over a five year term for charitable local projects. The role of the Executive Committee is to oversee and approve the loan applications and to ensure local concerns are addressed and developments in sports and play facilities are encouraged and enabled.
The charity draws upon a wide range of resources and seeks to provide a focal point for local communities to develop their interests in sport and recreation.
1 Elected SCC representative
Director for Families and Communities