Volunteers play a vital role in empowering our
communities, adding real value to the work of the council and
helping to improve our offer for residents across the county. We
want to make sure people who volunteer for the council have a
positive and consistent experience. With this in mind, Cabinet will
be asked to consider and approve a new set of ‘volunteering
principles’. These principles will be applied across the
organisation to support our volunteers and help reinforce their
importance to us and our communities. Alongside the new principles,
a set of practical guidance and support documents have also been
produced for staff responsible for managing and supporting our
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Not a key decision but required to go to Cabinet;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/04/2023
Decision due: 21 Jun 2023 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Communities and Culture
Lead director: Director for Economy, Infrastructure and Skills
Department: Economy, Infrastructure and Skills
Contact: Catherine Mann Email: catherine.mann@staffordshire.gov.uk Tel: 01785 278320.
Current SCC Volunteers
Public or Private Decision: Public
Service Area: Strategy & Transformation