This road when widened was done without laying sufficient
foundations. As a result continual Pot-Hole repair work has been
required over subsequent years.
It is now in an extremely dangerous condition.
Started by: Stephen Gough
This ePetition ran from 12/12/2023 to 25/03/2024 and has now finished.
48 people signed this ePetition.
I refer to the petition, signed by local residents regarding the request regarding repair and resurface the A519 between Mill Meece and Cotes Heath. I can advise that receipt of the petition will be reported to County Councillor Jeremy Pert.
Thank you for bringing your concerns regarding the condition of the A519 between Mill Meece and Cotes Heath to our attention through your petition. Our Asset Management Team have advised that the section of A519 in question, requires more than 12,000m² of carriageway reconstruction. Due to the scale of this work a structural maintenance scheme is required to repair the structure of the carriageway. There is no date at present for when this scheme will be carried out however I will share your petition with the team for awareness.
In the meantime, there are pothole repairs which are taking place from 4th March to the 8th March to get the road reopened as soon as possible. We understand the urgency of addressing the concerns raised by the community and assure you that we are actively working towards finding a solution to improve the condition of the A519 in the affected area.
Yours sincerely
Richard Rayson
Community Highways Manager