Register of interests

Mark Winnington

I, Mark Winnington, a Member of Staffordshire County Council agree to abide by the Members' Code of Conduct, including the General Undertaking, as approved on 18 March 2021 for implementation with effect from 7 May 2021 and give notice of:

The following disclosable pecuniary interests as set out in the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012


1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Self Partner
Farmer/Business Consultant -
Property Interests/Woodside Farm/Hollybank Farm -
Interest in setting up green operation to process Mischanthus/wood products and crop biomass . In receipt of rural levelling up grant (REPF) Rural England Prosperity Fund -
Partner, J.A & J.A Winnington -
2. Sponsorship
Self Partner
Staffordshire Conservatives Group Contribution -
Stone Conservatives Group Contribution -
3. Contracts
Self Partner
4. Land and Property
Self Partner
Woodside Farm, Gnosall, Stafford, ST20 0JA Partner in business
Hollybank Farm, Gnosall, Stafford, ST20 0JA Parents house -
5. Licences
Self Partner
none -
6. Corporate Tenancies
Self Partner
none -
7. Securities
Self Partner
none -

NB: When an agenda item, or the resulting debate relates to anything listed above, the Member must declare that interest and leave the meeting

Other Registrable Interests

8. Formal Bodies
Organisation Role / Association
Staffordshire County Council Chair of Planning Committee
Stafford Borough Council Deputy Leader of Opposition
PURPLE, Peri-Urban Rural Platform for Europe Member
Nexxus Care Board NED
Ranton Parish Council CLLR
Stafford federation, Conservative Association member
SBC - Gnosall and Woodseaves Ward Councillor
Gnosall Branch of the Royal British Legion Member/President
National Farmers Union Member
Sow and Penk Drainage Board member
Campaign to Protect Rural England SCC rep
Meece Landfill Site Liaison Committee SCC rep
Grower/processor of Energy Crops -
Contract with DEFRA, countryside stewardship/SFI -

NB: In submitting this form online you are deemed to have agreed to adhere to the Code of Conduct and are confirming that your Declarations of Interest are complete and accurate.