“Offering good-quality, affordable care that meets people’s assessed needs is very important to us. We need the care home sector to be sustainable so that people can access good quality affordable care when they need it.
The past 18 months have been a very challenging time for care homes, who have played a crucial role in keeping people safe throughout the pandemic. It is now important that we look ahead and plan for services that are fit for the future.”
Julia Jessel, Cabinet Member for Health and Care. |
Reasons for the Decision – To consider proposed revised commissioning and contracting arrangements to ensure access to good quality and affordable care home placements when they are needed.
Decision –(a) That the role that care homes have played during Covid-19, and the impact of the pandemic on the sector, be recognised.
(b) That the Council’s overall strategic objectives and approach to commissioning care homes be noted and endorsed.
(c) That, owning to the results of the structural and feasibility studies, it be agreed to not progress refurbishment of the Hillfield site, Burton-on-Trent to provide additional nursing home capacity.
(d) That the implementation of guide prices for care home placements be approved.
(e) That the extension and variation of the current dynamic purchasing system contract for care homes for a further period from 1 April 2022 until no later than 31 March 2023, be approved.
(f) That the re-procurement of a new dynamic purchasing system for care homes with a revised service specification, be approved and that authority be delegated to the Director of Health and Care to award new contracts through the new dynamic purchasing system, effective from April 2023.
(g) That a phased increase in the number of block booked care home beds in accordance with demand, be approved and that authority be delegated to the Director of Health and Care to award block booked bed contracts.
(h) That a review of the approach to contracting for complex residential and nursing home placements be completed and that authority be delegated to the Director of Health and Care to consider the options and implement a preferred option in consultation with the corporate Senior Leadership Team and the Cabinet Member for Health and Care.
(i) That the opportunities to use technology and innovation to support care homes to meet the challenges identified in the report be noted.