Agenda item

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Performance Annual Report

Report of the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager


The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager highlighted key points in the presentation which detailed achievements in 2015/16; incidents in 2015/16; the involvement of the Health and Safety Executive; the outcomes of Health and Safety Audits; accident, violence and ill health performance; health and safety management and the key actions for 2016/17.


In response to Members questions in respect of schools, the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager confirmed that as the landlord, (academy premises are leased on a one hundred year fully maintained and repaired basis), the County Council did have some obligations regarding the management of asbestos in academy schools and must, for example, ensure that accurate information was provided to schools.


A Member queried if the eighty one percent of schools achieving level three and above in their Health and Safety Audit included academy schools?  It was confirmed that information was held about all schools that bought the County Council’s Health and Safety Services in addition to the approximately two hundred and sixty five schools that remained maintained.


A Member expressed concern that almost 20 per cent of schools were not achieving level three or above in their Health and Safety Audit.  It was suggested that School Governors should ask questions about this matter.


Concern was also raised that some schools had not reviewed their fire risk assessment and as such were out of date and if an incident occurred then the insurance company would not pay out.  It was highlighted that it was a legal requirement to have risk assessments and current electrical and fire certificates in place.


The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager clarified that every school had a Fire Risk Assessment and was asked to review this annually.  The County Council would visit schools and encourage them to carry this out.


It was confirmed by the Head of Financial Strategy & Support that there was an element of school insurance that was internal.


Members expressed concern that almost twenty five percent of schools had not completed or reviewed its Fire Risk Assessment in the last twelve months. The Chairman undertook to write to the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager on behalf of the Committee seeking assurances about the action taken to address this.


A Member expressed concern regarding asbestos in schools and it was confirmed by the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager that additional information could be provided to Members should they require it.


In response to a Member’s question regard staff stress levels it was highlighted that psychological absence had reduced by seven percent.  There were more self-referrals and a dedicated Think Well service had been introduced.  The Think Well Service tackled issues proactively and provided an improvement in early support.  The service could triage individuals within forty eight hours and offer an appointment within six days.  This helped to keep people in work or get them back to work sooner.


In response to a further question it was confirmed that there was a strict criteria for the approval of ill health retirement.  This had to be signed off by a medical health professional who had not been previously involved with the individual.


It was requested by a Member that he be sent the names of those schools in his division which had not complied with the Health and Safety Self Audit.  It was instead suggested that School Governors should ask questions about this matter and that all members could be provided with some information to prompt useful discussions with local schools.


In response to a point raised about the new system being introduced the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager clarified that this was an online system which would be easier for schools to use.  It would enable schools to see trends and support the analysis of information.  Action taken by schools could be tracked and there would be more transparency.


A Member referred to the reduction in the County Council’s workforce and requested that future reports include the percentage of accidents rather than just total numbers.  It was confirmed that this information would be included.


It was Resolved that:


·         The Chairman write to the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager on behalf of the Committee seeking assurances about the action taken to address the number of Fire Risk Assessments not completed or reviewed by schools.

·         Support be given to assist members in raising health and safety maters with the schools in their division

·         Future Health and Safety reports to the Committee include the percentage of accidents to staff as well as total numbers.


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