Agenda item

Police and Crime Plan - Update


The Commissioner introduced his report which provided the Panel with an update on the Police and Crime Plans progress.  The report set out the Commissioners priorities designed to ‘Keep Staffordshire Safe.’


Following the Commissioners introduction, the Panel asked questions and the following information was gathered.  This was in addition to that provided in the written report:

  • Misconduct of officers was taken very seriously by all concerned.  The Chief Constable had confirmed his commitment to ensure high standards of behaviour in the force at the recent Commissioners performance meeting.
  • The pilots for the ‘Right Care, Right Person’ national initiative, which was due to be implemented in 2024, were being monitored and discussions taking place locally with all relevant partners.  It was acknowledged that the Police were not leading on this initiative, and that communication between all services was key if the changes were to be implemented effectively. which regards to the public perception survey, it was acknowledged that more detailed data was needed to demonstrate the context of some of the increases.  The Commissioner informed the panel that his performance meetings with the Chief Constable and the accompanying information pack did contain more information. This could be found on the Commissioners website. Comparison information with other forces and local geographical area differences would be useful.

·      Both Male and Female victims of domestic violence were treated by the Victim and Witness Support Service.  Safe accommodation was now a responsibility of local authorities.

  • Newcastles safer streets initiative was welcomed as a success in the town.
  • There was a feeling in some localities, anti-social behaviour was not reducing and the neighbourhood policing strategy was not as effective as it could be. The Commissioner agreed that perception was an issue.  The ‘hot spot’ visible patrolling pilots, particularly in town centres would be monitored and if successful would continue.
  • Reducing delays in the court system was seen as a priority.
  • When asked which areas needed to be improved, the Commissioner confirmed that; out of court disposals could be better; 101 call averages were not yet satisfactory; and there were concerns that vehicle crime, particularly in the south of the county, could be reduced.
  • Speed cameras were being rotated and new digital cameras being installed.  These were part of a much wider list of road safety enforcement methods used to keep roads safe. 
  • The Commissioner was not aware of disability hate crime being an area for concern, but he agreed to look into it.
  • Catch 22 was acknowledged as a positive support group but more ‘safe’ places for interviews were needed.
  • The Officer uplift programme was ahead of schedule.  Officer experience was highlighted as an area of concern due to the age of new recruits.  This was being addressed by ensuring that senior officers had both the time to support and guide new recruits.
  • Knife bins and bleed packs were viewed as a welcomed success initiative.


Resolved:  That the Police and Crime update report be noted and that further performance information be sent to members when the Chief Constable and Commissioner performance meeting was next held.


Supporting documents: