Agenda item

Integrated Performance Report, Quarter 3 2021-22


The Committee considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources which provided an overview of the Councils progress, performance, and financial position in delivering against the strategic plan and delivery plan at the end of quarter 3.  The Cabinet member explained that the unavoidable delay in reporting the information meant that some of the challenges faced by the council at the end of quarter 3 had changed.  Pressures for domiciliary care, health care support etc were at levels similar to previous quarters but the overall financial position had improved and some saving targets had been achieved during quarter 4.


The report format had been developed to reflect the committees wish to see a ‘RAG’ rating: a summary page; key challenges; and a selection of important performance indicators which included trend information where possible.


During the debate and questions on the report, the following information was shared with Members:

1)       The Governments financial support for tracking Covid would come to an end shortly.  The Council would not be requesting that they continue to receive funding for the same level of tracking.  It was felt that there was a sufficient and flexible infrastructure within the council which could be called upon should covid figures demand further action.

2)       The Household Support Fund of £5.5m had been used to support the cost of living crisis.  The fund had been split between the 8 districts.  Knowledge gained from the Covid crisis would be used to support communities working together and the fund would continue to support those most in need and households facing financial hardship.  Detail on the spend was contained in the report. 

3)       The Warmer Homes Fund (WHF) would also support people with rising fuel costs and energy efficiency.  Following a number of questions on the WHF it was agreed that information on how the funds were spent in each District/Borough would be provided to the Committee in the quarter 4 report, along with delivery targets and any problems being experienced.

4)       Debt from individuals was treated differently to that of partners such as the NHS.  It was explained that the NHS debt was a systems issue not an unwillingness to pay or disputed debt.  There were concerns that Integrated Care may complicate this further if not addressed early.

5)       There were many different funds with different aims and targets. It was reported that the Council was continuing to lobby Central Government to try to allocate funds in a less piecemeal fashion and on a more needs base basis, therefore reducing the competition between partners to bid for the same funds.  This would enable better planning and better outcomes. Working with partners, Boroughs and Districts was described as ‘better than ever’, due to the pandemic and it was hoped that this would be continued and built on to provide support to those in most need.

6)       As part of the Levelling up white paper, Central Government have recognised the funding competition issue and would look at streamlining the process, particularly around economic regeneration.

7)       Although at an early stage, work was under way to help and offer support to Ukrainian families.

8)       The apparent delays in Community Funding would be looked into and members provided with a response.

9)       The Community Champions project was in early stages but there was optimistic that the project would add benefit in the communities.

10)    The trends and comparisons in the report were noted as being useful and enabled Members to look at the performance in context.

11)    It was requested that Highway Category 3 defects be included in the next performance report as these caused more complaints from the public than any other.  The Transformation programme would be considered at the Prosperous Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

12)    The rates of land fill waste had increased during the Pandemic due to more packaging being used/orders on line.  Comparison data would be included in the next performance report.

13)    Information on the ‘Tonnes of carbon emissions’ key indicator and when it would be reported, would be sent to members after the meeting.


The Chairman thanked officers for developing the performance indicators as requested by the committee.



a)   That the report be noted.

b)  That the next quarterly report contains information on the following:

  • Warmer Homes Fund - How the funds were spent in each District/Borough; delivery targets and any problems being experienced.

·       Comparison data of Land fill waste.

·       Highway Category 3 defects.

c)   That Members of the Committee be provided with the following information:

·       The reasons for the apparent delays in payments from the Community Fund.

·       When the ‘Tonnes of carbon emissions’ performance indicator would be reported.


Supporting documents: