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Staffordshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel

This page lists the meetings for Staffordshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel.


Information about Staffordshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel

The specific role of the panel is 'to scrutinise the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, to promote openness in the transaction of Police and Fire and Rescue business and also to support the Commissioner in the effective exercise of their functions'.


Included in the work of the Panel is:


-      scrutiny of decisions made by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

-      scrutiny of the Commissioners Precepts (one each for the Police Service and the Fire and Rescue Service)

-      contributing to the development of the Police and Crime Plan and Fire Plan

-      reviewing proposed appointment to key posts including the Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer 

-      scrutinising at a Public meeting, the Commissioners Annual Report and Fire and Rescue Statement of Assurance

-      consider complaints against the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (NB. Not complaints against the Staffordshire Police Force or the Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service)


You can view information from the former Staffordshire Police and Crime Panel from the link here: Committee details - Staffordshire Police and Crime Panel - Staffordshire County Council