Venue: Kingston Centre, Fairway, Stafford ST16 3TW. View directions
Contact: Helen Phillips
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman Minutes: Nominations had been received for Rev Preb Michael Metcalf and Hifsa Haroon Iqbal to be elected as Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively. No further nominations were received and it was:
RESOLVED – That Rev Preb Michael Metcalf and Hifsa Haroon Iqbal be elected as Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively for the ensuing year. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 45 KB Minutes: That the minutes of the SACRE meeting held on 14 May 2012 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman. |
An Update on Key Issues PDF 33 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of People
Additional documents:
Minutes: SACRE received an update on key issues that had developed or arisen since their last meeting. These issues included: a) Religious Education Subject Review. The RE Council of England and Wales (REC) had initiated a subject review of RE in England to parallel the review of other subjects on the curriculum that was currently being undertaken by the Government. A copy of the consultation document would be circulated to members after the meeting for their consideration and response; b) Collective Worship. Helpful guidance regarding collective worship had been shared through the Association of Religious Education Inspectors, Advisers and Consultants (AREIAC). Members received a copy of the guidance. There was some concern that within the document an assumption appeared to be made that assembly and collective worship were the same thing when they were in fact quite different. A letter in respect of this document that had been countersigned by NASACRE would be brought to the next SACRE meeting; c) Response from Ofsted. SACRE had received a letter from Susan Gregory HMI relating to correspondence from the Chair in which he had highlighted issues of inconsistency in inspections where a recent whole school inspection had rated a school as “good” when an RE subject inspection had identified that the school was non-compliant in terms of its RE allocation. Members had received copies of this previous correspondence; d) Spirited Arts. The RE adviser had held a course at the Kingston Centre in conjunction with colleagues from Spirited Arts. One of the schools that had taken part in this event had subsequently been featured in the RE Today magazine and members received a copy of this feature; and, e) Members received a copy of the latest SMSC guidance as they had requested at their 14 May meeting.
RESOLVED – That the update be noted. |
Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of People and Oral report of the Chairman
Minutes: The Chairman gave an oral update on recent NASACRE developments, including: a) NASACRE was part of a discussion nationally in various contexts around how to classify and provide recognition to religious and non-religious groups who previously had not been involved in semi formal groups such as SACRE; and, b) School conversions to academy status and the difficulties in co-ordinating RE provision to keep the subject coherent.
The Chairman also informed members of the Education Support Services (ESS) project in Staffordshire. Members had concerns over the effect of this project on services to schools and on those staff transferred, and specifically asked how this would impact on the way SACRE was supported in the future. It was suggested that this issue be included on the February SACRE agenda.
RESOLVED – That: a) the update be noted; and, b) a report on the ESS project, and specifically how it will effect the support given to SACRE, be brought to the February meeting. |
Frankie Thuraisamy Durairatnam PDF 27 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of People
Minutes: SACRE had previously held a minutes silence in memory of Frankie Thuraisamy Durairatnam. Members now shared their thoughts and memories of Frankie, the great work he had done within the community, and heard from those SACRE members who had been able to attend his funeral. |
SACRE Awards and Lecture PDF 22 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of People
Minutes: The SACRE lecture and SACRE awards had both been very successful with those able to attend having thoroughly enjoyed each occasion. Consideration was now given to next years lecture and awards, looking at possible changes to venue and timings to try and ensure wider attendance. After a detailed discussion Members agreed that the suggestions made should be considered by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Re Adviser with SACRE updated on their proposals at their February meeting.
RESOLVED – That proposals for next years SACRE lecture and Awards be brought to the February SACRE meeting by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Re Adviser.
Application for Variation of Practice PDF 21 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of People
Minutes: There were none at this meeting. |
SACRE Code of Conduct PDF 23 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of People
Additional documents: Minutes: SACRE members had previously discussed Brent SACRE’s Code of Conduct and had detailed discussion on producing a code of conduct for the Staffordshire SACRE. Members received some comments on the code previously discussed. The Chairman undertook to move this issue forward and to circulate a proposed code of conduct to SACRE members before their next meeting.
RESOLVED – That a proposed Staffordshire Code of Conduct be circulated to members prior to the next SACRE meeting. |
Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of People
Minutes: This years RE conference would be led by Alan Brine HMI and Lat Blaylock on 6 March 2013 at the Kingston Centre, Stafford. All SACRE members were invited to attend and details of the conference would be circulated nearer the time.
RESOLVED – That the 6 March 2013 RE Conference be noted. |
The SACRE Annual Report PDF 19 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of People
Minutes: Members received a draft copy of the Annual Report tabled at the meeting and were asked to contact Emma Jardine with any comments or suggested amendments.
RESOLVED – That Members forward any comments or amendments to Emma Jardine. |
The SACRE Budget 2012-2013 PDF 35 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of People
Minutes: Members received a breakdown of the SACRE budget for the financial year 2012-2013 and noted the funds remaining.
RESOLVED – That the SACRE Budget 2012-2013 be noted. |
AOB Minutes: Members received details of this years GCSE results and in particular noted the twelve schools causing concern. Members discussed the possibility of using the remaining SACRE budget to fund these schools attendance at the RE Conference and the next network meeting. There was some concern around whether this penalised those schools doing well and following a lengthy discussion it was proposed that alongside the suggestions for schools causing concern the remaining SACRE budget be used for supporting schools wishing to take the RE Quality Mark.
RESOLVED – That the remaining SACRE Budget be used to fund: a) those schools causing concern to attend the next network meeting and the RE Conference, and b) supporting schools who wish to work towards the RE Quality Mark. |
Date of the next SACRE meeting. The next SACRE meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 13 February 2013, 2.00pm, Kingston Centre, Stafford. Minutes: That the next SACRE meeting be scheduled for Wednesday 13 February 2013, 2.00pm, Kingston Centre, Stafford.