Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday 21st September 2022 10:00am

Venue: Oak Room, County Buildings, Stafford. View directions

Contact: Mike Bradbury  Email:


No. Item


Decision notice of the meeting held on 20 July 2022 pdf icon PDF 262 KB

Additional documents:


Decision – That the notes of the meeting held on 20 July 2022 be approved.


Leader's Update

Oral report of the Leader of the Council

Additional documents:


Decision – That the oral report of the Leader of the Council giving an update on a range of issues including the real outpouring of emotion and gratitude towards Queen Elizabeth II over the period of mourning; the new Government’s proposal to announce a mini budget with the aims of boosting growth in the economy and helping people with the rising cost of living; the many people struggling across Staffordshire with rising energy bills, and prices going up in supermarkets, shops and petrol stations, and the Council’s proposals for a publicity campaign, directing people to help from the county and district councils, and in communities; Government reforms to the care system which were due to come into force next year and the huge uncertainty over the funding Councils will receive to enact these changes; the Council’s commitment to supporting everyone to lead as healthy and independent lives as possible, for as long as possible ; and eligible Staffordshire residents being encouraged  to get their covid booster and flu jab; be noted.


Minutes of the meeting of the Property Sub-Committee held on 26 August and 7 September 2022 pdf icon PDF 305 KB

Additional documents:


Decision – That the minutes of the meeting of the Property Sub-Committee held on 26 August and 7 September 2022 be received.


Staffordshire Means Back to Business - Oral Update

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills


Additional documents:


Decision – That the oral report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills giving an update on “Staffordshire Means Back to Business” activity including the following matters be noted:


  • Increases in fuel and energy prices would continue to present a number of challenges to the local economy and, working with our Districts and Boroughs and other partners, the Councils’ continued support for businesses locally.
  • The continuation of the Council’s Staffordshire Means Business programme which had delivered assistance to hundreds of Staffordshire businesses and supported the creation of 400 new Apprenticeships.
  • Proposals for the Council’s new Start Up and Step-Up Business support package aimed at helping those wanting to start and grow their own business which had a strong focus on making those businesses resilient.
  • Staffordshire’s Universal Credit figures which showed that the claimant count in Staffordshire saw an increase of 200 claimants between July and August 2022, although the claimant rate remained at 2.7% of the working age population.
  • The proportion of young people in Staffordshire aged 18-24 that were claiming work-related Universal Credit currently stood at 4.0%, an increase of 120 young people.
  • Despite these increases in the claimant count, during the same period, Staffordshire saw a 5% rise in job vacancies equivalent to just over 900 more job vacancies to a total of over 20,200, which was more than work related benefit claimants.
  • The role of the Council’s new Job Brokerage Service to match those seeking work with the jobs Staffordshire businesses were so successful in creating.
  • The agreement of terms with the Harworth Group, using County Council funding together with funding from Newcastle Under Lyme Borough Council, through its Town Deal, to enable the development of the Chatterley Valley business park site.
  • The new Pets at Home HQ in Stafford was nearing completion (which would generate over 800 jobs); and the exceptionally strong interest in the Council’s serviced employment land at i54.



Review of the Agreement for the Provision of Adult Social Care Assessment and Case Management and Occupational Therapy in Staffordshire pdf icon PDF 356 KB

Cabinet Member for Health and Care

Additional documents:


“The continuation of this agreement will enable the council to build on our successful partnership with Midlands Partnership Foundation NHS Trust that has been running for a number of years and continues to provide integrated health and social care services to older people, people with physical disabilities and people with mental health conditions.


This approval also offers continuity of services at a time when adult social care is managing the aftermath of the Covid pandemic, responding to increased demand and implementing the Government’s Adult Social Care Reforms.


Julia Jessel, Cabinet Member for Health and Care


Reasons for the Decision – To consider extending the current Section 75 Agreement with Midlands Partnership Foundation NHS Trust (MPFT), for adult social care assessment and case management and occupational therapy in Staffordshire, for two years.


Decision (a) That the Council extends the current Section 75 Agreement with MPFT for two years from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2025, to continue to provide adult social care assessment and case management and occupational therapy in Staffordshire.


(b) That the Director of Health and Care and Director of Corporate Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Care, be authorised to finalise and implement the extension of the Section 75 Agreement for adult social care assessment and case management and occupational therapy in Staffordshire.


Contract for the Supply of Electricity and Associated Services (Call off from YPO Framework 791) pdf icon PDF 216 KB

Cabinet Member for Commercial Matters

Additional documents:


“Current events show the importance of ensuring we have flexible arrangements in place to obtain the best value for taxpayers despite the volatility of markets.


In line with the County Council’s commitment to reach Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050, we will purchase Green Electricity.”


Mark Deaville, Cabinet Member for Commercial Matters


Reasons for the Decision – To consider the procurement direction and award for the time period 1st April 2023 until 31st March 2027 for the supply of Electricity and Associated Services.


Decision (a) That the approach for procuring, awarding, and entering into an Electricity and Associated Services contract through the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) framework for the period of 1st April 2023 until 31st March 2027, with Npower Business Solutions, be approved.


(b) That the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Services be given delegated authority to approve the contract award and delegated signatory of the contract.


Staffordshire Electoral Review - Council Size Submission pdf icon PDF 204 KB

Leader of the Council

Additional documents:


“We believe that our proposals will best serve our communities and ensure we can continue efficient and effective running of the county council over the coming years.


All our councillors are involved in the process and we have worked closely with our district and borough colleagues as we continue to strengthen those partnerships.”


Alan White, Leader of the Council


Reasons for the Decision – To consider the progress on the County’s Electoral Review and the Council Size Submission which is due to be considered by Full Council on 13th October.


Decision (a) That the progress and timescales for Staffordshire’s Electoral Review be noted.


(b) That the following proposals within the Council Size Submission be agreed.


That the County Council:


          i.        Retains the current council size of 62 Elected Members

         ii.       Requests a single member per division review


(c) That the Council Size Submission be referred to the County Council for approval on 13th October 2022.


(d) That the Leader of the Council and the Deputy Chief Executive and Director for Corporate Services be authorised to finalise the details of the Council Size Submission prior to submitting to the Boundary Commission.


Multiply - National Numeracy programme pdf icon PDF 336 KB

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills

Additional documents:


“The Multiply programme nationally is aimed at approximately 17million adults or half of the working age population who do not have strong numeracy skills. It will support those adults to develop numeracy skills for the future.


Improving numeracy skills can help in everyday life, whether at work, managing household finances, or helping children with their homework. It can also help career prospects, whatever your line of work.


Many people are not confident about their numeracy skills including some in top professions. That is why we’d encourage anyone who feels like they could improve to find out more about our Multiply programme.


The county council secured £4.2million to deliver targeted, easy to access and straightforward courses to enable more adults to achieve maths qualifications, improve employment chances and increase numeracy across Staffordshire’s population.”


Philip White, Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for Economy and Skills


Reasons for the Decision – To consider delegating to the Director of Economy, Infrastructure & Skills, in consultation, with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills, authority to mobilise the Multiply project, which aims to increase the levels of functional numeracy in the adult population across the UK quickly, with provision to formally commence in October 2022.


Decision – (a) That the purpose of Multiply be noted.


(b) That it be agreed that the Director of Economy, Infrastructure & Skills, in consultation, with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills, be given delegated authority to:


            i.        authorise the Council to enter into an agreement (Accountable Body Agreement) with the Department for Education formalising the Council’s role as Lead Authority for Multiply.


          ii.        authorise the Council to enter into an individual grant funding agreement (Grant Agreement) following appraisal and prioritisation of applications for Funding with each of the identified Providers best placed to meet our strategic priorities.


         iii.       authorise that the Assistant Director for Skills & Employability be given delegated authority to approve any formal variations or extensions required to the Accountable Body Agreement or to the individual Grant Agreements based on performance or changes in Multiply Guidance.



Decisions taken by Cabinet Members under Delegated Powers pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Additional documents:


Decision – That the following decisions taken by Cabinet Members under delegated powers be noted:


Cabinet Member


Cabinet Member for Communities and Culture

In approving the disposal of items from the Staffordshire County Museum collection.

Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport

In agreeing:


(a) To follow the Department for Transport (DfT) guidance issued to Local Transport Authorities to transition English National Travel Concession Scheme (ENTCS) payments between the 1 October 2022 and 5 April 2023.


(b) To use previously allocated DfT grant monies to stabilise the bus network from September 2022 onwards, noting that whilst additional short-term financial support for the bus industry has been recently announced by the Government, it is anticipated that additional local financial support will be required to provide stability over the next 12 months.




Forward Plan of Key Decisions pdf icon PDF 208 KB

Additional documents:


The Forward Plan of Key Decisions for the period 19 October 2022 to 15 February 2023, which detailed the following issues, was approved:


Subject Matter


Award approval for the Framework Agreement for the Provision and Installation of PVC-U Windows, Aluminium Doors and Ancillary Work – Non-Domestic

Name: Ian Turner

Tel: (01785) 277228

Nexxus Trading Services Limited - Annual Report 21/22

Name: Dr Richard Harling MBE

Tel: (01785) 278700

Integrated Performance Report - Quarter 2, 2022/23

Name: Kerry Dove

Tel: 07855 679112

High Needs Capital Funding 2022-24

Name: Tim Moss

Tel: (01785) 277963

Recommissioning of the Domestic Abuse Contract

Name: Catherine Mann

Tel: (01785) 278320

Final Recommendations for the Future Commissioning Arrangements for Supported Living Services in Staffordshire

Name: Andrew Jepps

Tel: (01785) 278557

Early Help Strategy

Name: Natasha Moody

Tel: 07976 191079

Family Hub Model

Name: Natasha Moody

Tel: 07976 191079

Climate change action plan and climate change annual report

Name: Clive Thomson

Tel: (01785) 276522

Review of Business Case for the Development of Council Owned Older People's Nursing Homes

Name: Helen Trousdale

Tel: (01785) 277008

Homes for Ukraine

Name: Natasha Moody

Tel: 07976 191079

Strategic Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023 - 2028

Name: Rachel Spain

Tel: (01785) 854455

Integrated Performance Report - Quarter 3, 2022/23

Name: Kerry Dove

Tel: 07855 679112




Exclusion of the Public

The Chairman to move:-


“That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business which involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) of Local Government Act 1972 indicated below”.




(All reports in this section are exempt)

Additional documents:


Decision – That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business which involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) of Local Government Act 1972 indicated below.


The Cabinet then proceeded to consider the following matters:





Adult Social Care Reform

(Exemption paragraph 3)


Cabinet Member for Health and Care


(Exemption paragraph 3)


Reasons for the Decision – To receive a summary of Adult Social Care Reform together with an outline of Staffordshire’s progress to date on implementing the changes required.


Decision – That the recommendations contained in the report be agreed.


Contract for Microsoft Software Licensing

(Exemption paragraph 3)


Cabinet Member for Commercial Matters


(Exemption paragraph 3)


Reasons for the Decision – To consider the award of a contract for Microsoft Software Licensing for a 3-year term with a 1-year optional extension.


Decision – That the recommendations contained in the report be agreed.


Families Health and Wellbeing (0-19) Service

(Exemption paragraph 3)


Cabinet Member for Children and Young People


(Exemption paragraph 3)


Reasons for the Decision – To consider proposals to enter into a s.75 Agreement for the provision of the Families’ Health & Wellbeing (0-19) Service.


Decision – That the recommendations contained in the report be agreed.


Healthy Lifestyles Contract

(Exemption paragraph 3)


Cabinet Member for Health and Care and Cabinet Support Member for Public Health and Integrated Care


(Exemption paragraph 3)


Reasons for the Decision – To consider the forthcoming commissioning plans for the Integrated Lifestyle Service and to seek permission to delegate the authority to award and authorise entering into contracts.


Decision That the recommendations contained in the report be agreed.


Extension to the Dynamic Purchasing System Agreement for the supply of Residential and Nursing Care home placements

(Exemption paragraph 3)


Cabinet Member for Health and Care


(Exemption paragraph 3)


Reasons for the Decision – To consider the extension to the Council’s Dynamic Purchasing System Agreement with care providers for commissioning residential and nursing care home services until April 2024. 


Decision – That the recommendations contained in the report be agreed.</AI21>