Venue: Oak Room, County Buildings, Stafford
Contact: Mike Bradbury Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Decision notice of the meeting held on 16 June 2021 PDF 193 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Decision – That the notes of the meeting held on 16 June 2021 be approved. |
Leader's Update Oral report of the Leader of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: Decision – That the oral report of the Leader of the Council giving an update on a range of issues including the lifting of covid restrictions on 19 July being great news for people and businesses across Staffordshire; the increase in Covid cases in parts of Staffordshire and across the country; hospitalisations and deaths remaining low thanks to the vaccine programme; the need for people to take personal responsibility as fewer restrictions increases the risk of people catching the virus; the Council’s plans to accelerate action on climate change; the continuing investment in the infrastructure Staffordshire people and businesses need to thrive; the recent media coverage of the National Football Centre at St George’s Park near Burton; the return of the Staffordshire 70.3 Ironman on 18 July; and the Council’s best wishes to all of our Staffordshire Olympians taking part in the Tokyo Olympics, including reigning 100m breaststroke champion Adam Peaty, boxer Frazer Clarke, canoeist Adam Burgess and triple jumper Ben Williams, be noted. |
Minutes of the meeting of the Property Sub-Committee held on 7 July 2021 PDF 192 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Decision – That the minutes of the meeting of the Property Sub-Committee held on 7 July 2021 be received.</AI3> |
Update from Covid Member Led Local Outbreak Control Board PDF 12 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Reasons for the Decision – To consider an update from the COVID-19 Member Led Local Outbreak Control Board including the number of new cases nationally and in Staffordshire continuing to rise steeply, and cases being particularly high in Tamworth, although the vaccination programme appeared to be successfully limiting the number of hospitalisations and deaths; The Government’s announcement that Step 4 on the national roadmap would proceed from 19 July; the need for people to exercise personal responsibility and continue to take sensible precautions to limit the spread of infection; the Covid vaccination programme continuing to make excellent progress with nearly 1,200,000 doses administered to Staffordshire residents; uptake of two doses of the vaccine being close to 95% in over 65s, 80% in 50 to 64 year olds, but lower in younger adults; and the Council’s plans to maintain Covid defences for at least the remainder of 2021/22.
Decision – That the report be received. |
Staffordshire Means Back to Business - Oral Update Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills
Additional documents: Minutes: Decision – That the oral report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills giving an update on “Staffordshire Means Back to Business” activity including the following matters be noted:
· The Universal Credit claimant count in Staffordshire seeing a decrease of 1,380 claimants between April and May 2021 to a total of 23,400 claimants (and the claimant rate declining to 4.4% of the working age population in May compared to 7.0% regionally and 6.1% nationally).
· Significant announcements for local businesses and wider economy including the growth of Stone Based Midlands 3D printing; up to 30 new jobs looking set to be created by Alpha Manufacturing; a start on site for the first phase Quintus employment land development at Branston Locks near Burton-upon-Trent; food company, Ornua Ingredients investing £500,000 at its facility in Leek; and an 500 additional jobs across JCB’s operations on top of the 850 announced earlier this year.
Progress on the 60 acre i54 Western Extension site where the physical works to create development platforms for end users to be substantially completed by the end of July. |
Intensive Support for Staffordshire Children with Disabilities PDF 376 KB Cabinet Member for Children and Young People and Cabinet Member for Education (and SEND) Additional documents:
Reasons for the Decision – To consider proposals to bring together the commissioning of the previously separate arrangements for Children with Disabilities’ Community Support and Aiming High 1-1 intensive support and short breaks into one contracting arrangement.
Decision – (a) That the commissioning of the previously separate arrangements for Children With Disabilities’ Community Support and Aiming High 1-1 intensive support and short breaks be brought together into one contracting arrangement, to achieve a more seamless and flexible system of support for eligible children, and one that is administratively more efficient for SCC to manage;
(b) That the open tender approach and implementation of a Flexible Framework (including delegated approval to relevant officers to award contracts) detailed in the costed Options Appraisal to secure the required provision at optimal Value for Money commencing from April 1st 2022, be supported;
(c) That the regular break clauses in the proposed contracts (2+1+1 years), which will allow time to develop joint approaches to the commissioning and procurement of this provision with Adult Social Care colleagues and other Authorities including with other West Midlands Authorities to attempt to overcome the current challenges for providers (and especially new entrants) with respect to service volumes, be noted; and
(d) That the first two years of the new contract be used to further investigate the merits and risks associated with In-house delivery of this support, and the efficacy of this model within the proposed new Children’s System, as the Options Appraisal demonstrated a number of potential strengths to this approach. |
Future Delivery of Replacement Care Services in Staffordshire (Learning Disabilities) PDF 306 KB Cabinet Member for Health and Care Additional documents:
Reasons for the Decision – To consider granting approval for an options appraisal for the future provision of replacement care for people with learning disabilities in Staffordshire.
Decision – That the commencement of an options appraisal for the future provision of replacement care for people with learning disabilities in Staffordshire, including engagement with service users, carers and stakeholders, be endorsed and the results be presented to Cabinet in the third quarter of 2021. |
Child Exploitation and Missing Children & Young People Service PDF 321 KB Cabinet Member for Children and Young People Additional documents: Minutes:
Reasons for the Decision – To consider the commissioning intentions of Staffordshire County Council, Stoke-on-Trent City Council and the Staffordshire Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner in relation to the development of a Pan-Staffordshire Child Exploitation and Missing Children & Young People’s Service.
Decision – (a) That the commissioning intentions of Staffordshire County Council, Stoke- on-Trent City Council and the Staffordshire Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner Office in relation to the development of a Pan-Staffordshire Child Exploitation and Missing Children & Young People’s Service, be endorsed.
(b) That the procurement of a Pan-Staffordshire Child Exploitation and Missing Children & Young People’s Service by Staffordshire County Council, on behalf of Stoke-on-Trent City Council and the Staffordshire Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner, be approved.
(c) That decisions in relation to the Pan-Staffordshire Child Exploitation and Missing Children & Young People’s Service be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People in consultation with the Deputy Chief Executive and Director for Families and Communities.
(d) That it be acknowledged that the delegation to the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People includes acting on behalf of the County Council to finalise the Joint Commissioning Deed of Agreement and the entering of required contractual arrangements with the successful bidder. |
Public Health Contracting Plans PDF 271 KB Cabinet Member for Health and Care and Cabinet Support Member for Public Health and Integrated Care. Additional documents: Minutes:
Reasons for the Decision – To consider the forthcoming commissioning plans for Public Health services and to seek approval to delegate the authority to award and authorise entering into contracts to the Cabinet Member for Health and Care in consultation with the Cabinet Support Member for Public Health and Integrated Care and the Director for Health and Care.
Decision – (a) That the forthcoming plans for sexual health, drug and alcohol and lifestyle services as detailed in the report be noted; and
(b) That authority to award and enter into relevant contracts for the services detailed in the report in the financial years 2021/22 and 2022/23 be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Health and Care in consultation with the Cabinet Support Member for Public Health and Integrated Care and the Director for Health and Care. |
Recommission of Staffordshire Integrated Advocacy Service PDF 250 KB Cabinet Member for Health and Care and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People Additional documents:
Reasons for the Decision – To consider the options available for the procurement of Advocacy services.
Decision – (a) That the commencement of a competitive tender process to procure the commissioned service in accordance with Option A (recommission of an equivalent Integrated Advocacy service model), as detailed in this report, be approved.
(b) That approval for the contract to be awarded and entered in to with the successful provider, following the competitive tender process, be delegated to the Director for Health and Care and the Deputy Chief Executive and Director for Families and Communities. |
UK Community Renewal Fund - Priority Projects PDF 230 KB Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills Additional documents: Minutes:
Reasons for the Decision – To consider proposals for the County Council to take on the additional role of Accountable Body for the UK Community Renewal Fund (UKCRF).
Decision – (a) That it be agreed that Staffordshire County Council (the “Council”) continues its role as Lead Authority for the UK Community Renewal Fund (UKCRF) and moves to the additional role of Accountable Body for the UKCRF;
(b) That it be agreed that the Director of Economy, Infrastructure & Skills be given delegated authority to:
(i) authorise the Council to enter into an agreement (Accountable Body Agreement) with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) formalising the Council’s role as Lead Authority and Accountable Body for the UKCRF.
(ii) authorise the Council to enter into an individual grant funding agreement (Grant Agreement) with each of the successful providers
(if applicable) authorise any formal variations or extensions required to the Accountable Body Agreement or to the individual Grant Agreements based on performance or changes in UKCRF Guidance. |
Waste Management - Retender for the Disposal of Sweepings and Gully Waste PDF 243 KB Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Change Additional documents: Minutes:
Reasons for the Decision – To consider proposals to provide treatment facilities for sweepings (street cleaning residues) collected by Staffordshire Waste Collection Authorities (WCAs) and gully waste collected by Amey LG (Amey) on behalf of the County Council.
Decision – That authority be delegated to the Director for Economy, Infrastructure and Skills, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Change, to let a contract (or contracts) between the County Council and the successful tenderer (or tenderers) in the event that a combination of service providers provides the optimum solution. |
Integrated Performance Report - Quarter 1 2021/22 PDF 336 KB Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources Additional documents:
Reasons for the Decision – To consider an overview of Staffordshire County Council’s progress, performance and financial position in delivering against its Strategic Plan and Delivery Plan.
Decision – That the report be received. |
Framework Agreement for the Provision of Asbestos Removal and Encapsulation Services PDF 213 KB Cabinet Member for Commercial Matters Additional documents:
Reasons for the Decision – To consider proposals for the a new Framework Agreement for the Provision of Asbestos Removal and Encapsulation Services.
Decision – (a) That Staffordshire County Council (the “Council”) concludes its regulated procurement in line with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (the “Regulations”) for the Framework Agreement;
(b) That, following the procurement process, the successful suppliers be appointed to the Framework Agreement for the period 1st March 2022 to 28th February 2024 and that, dependent on the quality of their delivery, the 24-month service extension be implemented to a final contract end date of 28th February 2026; and
(c) That the Director of Corporate Services be given delegated authority to:
(i) Approve the initial awards of the tendered suppliers to the Framework Agreement and authorise the Council entering into the Framework Agreement with successful suppliers; (ii) Approve all subsequent call-off contracts under this Framework Agreement and authorise the Council entering into any call-off contracts with suppliers under the Framework Agreement; and (if applicable) approve the 2-year extension to the Framework Agreement in its 2nd year. |
Decisions taken by Cabinet Members under Delegated Powers PDF 187 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Decision – That the following decisions taken by Cabinet Members under delegated powers be noted:
Forward Plan of Key Decisions PDF 135 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Forward Plan of Key Decisions for the period 18 August to 1 December 2021, which detailed the following issues, was approved:
Exclusion of the Public The Chairman to move:-
“That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business which involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) of Local Government Act 1972 indicated below”.
PART TWO (All reports in this section are exempt) Additional documents: Minutes: Decision – That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business which involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) of Local Government Act 1972 indicated below.
Proposed Sale of Former Burntwood Children's Services Office and Oakdene Day Centre, Sycamore Road, Burntwood
(Exemption paragraph 3)
Cabinet Member for Commercial Matters Additional documents:
Minutes: (Exemption paragraph 3)
Reasons for the Decision – To consider the sale of the former Burntwood Children's Services Office and Oakdene Day Centre, Sycamore Road, Burntwood.
Decision – That the recommendations contained in the report be agreed.