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No. | Item | ||||||||||||||
Declarations of interest Additional documents: Minutes: Keith Walker declared in an interest in item 6 ‘Decisions published by the Commissioner – PSHE Co-ordinator 004’ as he was a member of the Staffordshire Council for Voluntary Youth Services. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 7 December 2021 PDF 116 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Panel meeting held on 7 December 2021 be approved and signed by the Chairman. |
Questions to the PFCC from Members of the Public Questions to the Commissioner are invited from members of the public who live or work in Staffordshire. Notice of questions must be received by no later than three clear working days before the Panel meeting. More information on where and how to submit a question can be found at Additional documents: Minutes: A Member of the public asked the following questions:
1. How the changes forced by a) covid or b) covid regulations have impacted the budget for policing and fire.
As the Commissioner had not be given the required 3 days’ notice of the questions, it was agreed that a written response would be provided, and no debate took place on the item. |
Proposed Police Budget and Precept 2022/23 PDF 2 MB a) Budget Report 2022/23 including MTFS b) Treasury Management Strategy 2022/23 c) Reserves strategy update d) Capital Strategy and Capital Programme Additional documents:
Minutes: The Commissioner introduced his report which set out the proposed budget and precept proposals for the Police and Crime element of his portfolio for 2022/23. He reported that the proposed budget/precept showed a total net revenue budget requirement of £233.072million (an increase of 10,997million) for 2022/23. The report also included details of the Home Office Police Grant for Staffordshire which had been set at £129.410 million, an increase of £6.993 million on the previous year. Other sources of funding were from the Police Pension Grant £1.825million; uplift ring-fenced grant £2.035 million; Council Tax freeze grant £3.541million; and Revenue Support Grant of £8.423million.
The use of £1.262 million of reserves to support the capital programme and the use of the reserves over a four year planning period to support the budget totalling £2.611m was explained.
The Commissioner was proposing to part fund the balance from Council Tax funding of £88.265,871 with an increase of 4.19% per annum (an increase of £10 per annum) increasing the Council tax to £248.57 p.a. per Band D property.
The Commissioner stated that he was confident that the proposed budget was adequate to deliver the services Staffordshire needs and would meet the services intended and his Police Fire and Crime Plan. He acknowledged that the increase was the maximum this year it was hoped that there would be smaller increases in future years.
It was noted that there had been a longer term (3 year) commitment from Central Government this year enabling better planning. However, there was a concern over inflation and the economy which led to financial uncertainty in some areas.
It was explained that headline investments which would be made during the course of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) were above those provided for by Central Government. These included an Increasing Technology and Digital Capabilities; a modern and fit for purpose Policing Estate; a modern fit for purpose Police fleet; increased contact services capacity; IT capacity; and a change and transformation programme.
The Panel received a presentation from the Chief Finance Officer, which was considered along with the report which included the following:
1. Budget Report 2022/23 including MTFS 2. Treasury Management Strategy 2022/23 3. Reserves Strategy update 4. Capital Strategy and Capital Programme
The Treasury Management Strategy for 2022/23 set out proposals for the management of the Commissioner’s cash flows, borrowing and investments and their associated risks.
The Reserves Strategy update paper considered the overall level of reserves held at 31 March 2021 and the forecast position at 31 March 2022.
The Commissioner presented his four-year Capital Strategy and Capital Programme 2022/23 to 2025/26 (Including Minimum Revenue Provision Policy) set out the long-term capital investment and investment decisions.
Members asked for the rationale behind the decision to increase by the maximum allowed this year even though there had been a favourable government settlement and an increase in Council tax collection which should have increased funding. In response, the Commissioner explained that some of the funding would be used on service improvement, ... view the full minutes text for item 51. |
Decisions published by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) Aerial Ladder Platform Vehicles 003 SCF-D-202122-003.pdf (
Police and Crime PSHE Co-ordinator 004 SCP-D-202122-004.pdf ( School Parking and Child School Road Safety 005 SCP-D-202122-005.pdf ( Hate crime service and anti social behaviour and mediation service 006 SCP-D-202122-006-V2.pdf ( Body worn video and digital interview recording contract 007 SCP-D-202122-007.pdf ( Additional documents: Minutes: Details were submitted of decisions published by the Commissioner since the last Panel meeting.
1. Fire and Rescue Service Aerial Ladder Platform Vehicles 003 SCF-D-202122- 003.pdf (
2. Police and Crime PSHE Co-ordinator 004 SCP-D-202122-004.pdf (
3. School Parking and Child School Road Safety 005 SCP[1]D-202122-005.pdf (
4. Hate crime service and anti social behaviour and mediation service 006 SCP-D-202122-006-V2.pdf (
5. Body worn video and digital interview recording contract 007 SCP-D-202122-007.pdf (
There was no questions or debate on any of the decisions.
RESOLVED – That the decisions be noted.
OPFCC Chief Executive appointment Verbal update of the Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Commissioner informed the Panel that the recruitment of the Chief Executive post was continuing, and the Panel would be informed when a confirmation hearing was required.
RESOLVED: a) That the verbal update be noted. b) That the Commissioner pass on the Panels thanks to Mr Dixon for his support over recent years.
Questions to the PFCC by Panel Members Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the Panel questioned/sought the views of the Commissioner on the following issues and received the responses indicated:
Dates of Future Meetings and Work Programme PDF 155 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The next meeting of the Panel would be held on 14 February 2021 to consider the Fire and Rescue Budget and Precept 2021/22.
RESOLVED – That the dates future meetings be noted.