Issue - meetings

Retender for Disposal of Sweepings

Meeting: 21/07/2021 - Cabinet (Item 23)

23 Waste Management - Retender for the Disposal of Sweepings and Gully Waste pdf icon PDF 243 KB

Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Change

Additional documents:


“As a county council, we are committed to caring for our environment and how we manage waste goes hand in hand with this.


This procurement exercise will allow us to explore all the options for managing waste from our roads and get the best deal for taxpayers’ money.”


Simon Tagg, Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Change


Reasons for the Decision – To consider proposals to provide treatment facilities for sweepings (street cleaning residues) collected by Staffordshire Waste Collection Authorities (WCAs) and gully waste collected by Amey LG (Amey) on behalf of the County Council.


Decision – That authority be delegated to the Director for Economy, Infrastructure and Skills, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Change, to let a contract (or contracts) between the County Council and the successful tenderer (or tenderers) in the event that a combination of service providers provides the optimum solution.