53 Staffordshire Employment and Skills Strategy 2023-2030 PDF 333 KB
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Employment and Skills
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“As Staffordshire’s economy continues to grow and with high demand from employers for skilled workers it is essential that we have a population ready to take advantage of new opportunities.
Developing people’s skills before they embark on their careers and then upgrading them throughout their working lives means they can play an active part in a modern and evolving economy. Having relevant skills to our key sector industries will enable Staffordshire people to enjoy working in higher value jobs in their own county.
Our employment and skills strategy is truly collaborative between councils, learning providers and business and aims to make the world of learning and skills as easy to navigate as possible. This includes our Staffordshire Jobs and Careers Service which matches people’s skills with jobs or training relevant to them.
The strategy draws on our collective expertise and sets out a shared vision and approach. We are confident that it will help to improve people’s lives, their communities and our economy in the long-term.”
Philip White, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills |
Reasons for the Decision – To consider the new Employment and Skills Strategy which outlines the County Council’s vision and priorities for developing the skills of our residents to create the workforce needed to deliver our Economic Strategy and Strategic Plan.
Decision – (a) That the Employment and Skills Strategy be approved.
(b) Working with those Cabinet Members with associated responsibilities, the Director for Economy, Infrastructure & Skills be authorised to progress the development of supporting delivery plans, working with our partners as appropriate.